The Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge

Class of 2024 at graduation

About us

Introducing ESFF

The Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge (ESFF) is a private higher education establishment of general interest (EESPIG), distinguished by its specialization in the shaping of metallic materials.

A century-old school since 1924, it offers an engineering curriculum based entirely on apprenticeship, combining strong technical expertise with an innovative teaching approach aligned with the current needs of the metallurgical industry.

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Our training courses

3 training courses

To ensure optimum training, the school offers three distinct courses: an initial three-year apprenticeship or continuing education program for the ESFF engineering diploma, and a year of specialization for engineers or masters who have already graduated for an expert certificate in the design and production of foundry and forge products. This diversity of programs enables us to welcome and enrich a wide variety of profiles within the establishment…

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Student life

An adapted work environment

The school offers a dynamic student life, animated in particular by its Student Office, which plays a central role in active participation within the school, as well as in the material organization of seminars. In addition, various student-initiated events help to strengthen cohesion and understanding between the different classes…

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Key figures

Tilme to find
a job
0 0
Average first
wage with benefits